Photograph: Gianmarco Bresadola
In the history of art, late works are the catastrophe.
Theodor Adorno
Shakespeare’s last play, The Tempest, takes place nowhere. The magician Prospero − also believed to be Shakespeare’s last role as an actor − rules over an unnamed island, a place where those stranded on it experience boredom, terror, grief, euphoria and despair. In other words, they are in a theatre.
Heiner Müller said: We have not yet arrived at ourselves, so long as Shakespeare writes our plays. Perhaps it is time for Shakespeare’s last play. The Tempest presents us with a world of lost people, lost in their own worlds, struggling to understand where they are.
Prospero watches over them, knowing their every move − as we see them move inexorably towards the end. Shakespeare showed us that whatever your role, King or beggar, all of humanity meets in the democracy of the grave.
Shakespeare’s Last Play premiered on 24 April 2018 at Schaubühne, Berlin.
Shakespeare's Last Play is a Schaubühne Production.
Thomas Bading
Moritz Gottwald
Jenny König
Nina Kunzendorf
Mark Waschke
Voice Bush Moukarzel
Set Design Chloe Lamford
Costume Design Nina Wetzel
Light Norman Plathe
Video José Miguel Jiménez
Sound and Music Kevin Gleeson
Text by Bush Moukarzel, Ben Kidd and William Shakespeare
German Translation Gerhild Steinbuch
Dramaturg Nils Haarmann
Direction Ben Kidd, Bush Moukarzel